Access & Reservations
Accessing the Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center
New Users
New user access requests are managed through the Sarafan ChEM-H Knowledge Centers iLab site. Stanford users please login with your SUnet ID, go to the Request Services tab, and initiate a "Macromolecular Structure KC (MSKC) New User Access/Training Request ".
ChEM-H Knowledge Centers iLab site
Calendar Reservations
Sarafan ChEM-H Knowledge Centers use iLab for resource and in-lab reservations.
ChEM-H Knowledge Centers iLab site
Equipment Rates
Fees associated with the use of the MSKC facilities are to recover costs, most notably service contracts.
Rates are listed at the Sarafan ChEM-H Knowledge Centers iLab site. Any question regarding our rates, please contact the MSKC staff.
ChEM-H Knowledge Centers iLab site
Commercial User Access
The MSKC provides instrumentation, support facilities, and technical assistance for research and education-related activities. As part of its mission of education, research and public service, the MSKC may provide services to third parties.
We are interested in establishing links with our industrial colleagues. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the MSKC staff for more information.
Commercial users will incur indirect costs (IDC). IDC's allow Stanford University to recover certain expenses not covered through user fees.
Commercial users are required to complete the Commercial Service Agreement and/or Commercial User Agreement below.
The E-7 agreement is for the case of providing material to MSKC to work on for you.
The E-4 Agreement is for the case of coming onsite to work in the lab. Pages 1-7 would be completed for your company, and a separate copy of Page 8 needs to be completed for each company member who would need to come onsite.
Please also provide a blanket purchase order written to "Stanford University" for "Services Rendered", preferably with a "not-to-exceed" $ amount. E-mail an electronic copy is acceptable. You can use this contact address on the PO: Nucleus at Sarafan ChEM-H, ChEM-H Building N130D, Stanford University, 290 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305.